The winner of last week’s Isaboo Designs giveaway is:
(I don’t think a last name is necessary for this one; what a cool name!)
Check your email girl so you can claim your loot! : )
Oh, and just in case you’re dying to know what we’ve been up to around here, this pretty much sums it up:
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
Paint, paint, and MORE paint!
In fact, if I hadn’t had a mouthful of sandwich yesterday when my husband leaned in, examined my hair, and said, “Is that paint or a gray hair?” I might have replied with a sharp retort.
Gray hair, indeed. Hmph!
Actually, I don’t have any yet—thanks to my sweet mama’s incredible genes—but boy are they going to show up in this dark hair of mine (my oldest insists on calling my hair “black”) when they do start coming, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too indignant at the insinuation.
I am almost 30, after all.
A fact which dawned on me anew when my mom mentioned a girl the other day who had just turned 30, and I mentally noted, “So…a few years older than I am,” only for my mom to finish her sentence with, “So…right at your age.”
I think I might have gasped a little as it occurred to me that I’m not 28 anymore (the age that I think I’m going to consider myself for at least another two years).
Not that 30 is so bad.
It’s just a number after all.
How bad can it be, right?
But somehow, I don’t feel qualified to be 30 yet—5 children, 7 years of marriage, a degree + a 6 year teaching stint, and 2 houses bought or built, not withstanding—so why should I have to be?
Anybody else ever feel this way—like you’ve been forced into an age that’s too old for you?
Or am I just being whiny and hormonal? (A very real possibility these days)
Hmm…{ponders with hand on chin}
Okay, I had no intention of getting all philosophical on you guys this morning; I was just supposed to be telling you about how we’re painting every surface in our house practically, and then, before you know it, I’m musing on the passage of time and aging.
I think it’s time for another giveaway to distract ourselves, don’t you?
Aaaaah…that’s better.
Nothing like the prospect of free, pretty clothes to brighten your mood!
Speaking of things that put me in a good mood…
Here are a few projects from last week’s party that caught my eye:
This clever thread storage idea from Aimee at It’s Overflowing.
And this chia seed pudding (if you’re like me, you picture little animal-shaped plants growing in your belly after eating this, but it’s supposed to be yummy and very good for you!) from Angelina of Shop Ruby Jean, who is happily back to blogging after a mind-blowingly rough last 20 weeks or so with her 6th pregnancy (WELCOME BACK, sweet friend!).
And this girly glam office from Visual Eye Candy. I’m gonna say her blog is appropriately named…LOVE!
And THIS PIZZA (I have such a thing for barbeque chicken pizza!) from Shaken Together.
I could keep going, but it’s time to party, so I’ll just leave it at that and look forward to the goodies you have in store for me this week!
Show me whatcha got!
I like the Arripidae dress.